Hair Transplantation

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Different Hair Transplantation Treatments

Hair transplantation has emerged as a revolutionary solution for individuals grappling with hair loss and thinning. As an aesthetic procedure that has gained immense popularity in recent years, it offers hope to those seeking a permanent and natural-looking solution to their hair woes. Advancements in technology, coupled with a growing understanding of hair biology, have propelled hair transplantation into a new era of effectiveness and success.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of hair transplantation, shedding light on the latest trends and techniques. If you are considering hair transplantation for yourself, Layers Clinics is the one-stop destination to get the best treatment with stunning results and that too at an affordable price.

Types of Hair Transplant Procedures

There are several techniques employed in hair transplantation, each with its own unique advantages and considerations. The most common approaches include:

  1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
  2. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
  3. Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

FUE involves individually extracting hair follicles using a micro-punch tool, while FUT involves removing a strip of scalp and dissecting it into grafts. DHI, on the other hand, employs a specialised implanter tool to directly place follicles into the recipient area.

Depending on your requirements, our doctors will employ the best treatment to get incredible results in a short period.

Let us look at each of these treatments in detail now.

  1. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a highly advanced technique in hair transplantation that involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the donor area and their precise transplantation into the recipient area experiencing hair loss. This method is widely recognized for its effectiveness, minimal scarring, and natural-looking results.

The FUE procedure begins with the careful identification and selection of suitable donor sites, typically located at the back or sides of the scalp. These areas are chosen because they are genetically resistant to hair loss. Anaesthesia is administered to ensure a comfortable experience for the patient during the procedure.

Once the follicular units are extracted, they are carefully examined and prepared for transplantation. The recipient area, where hair growth is desired, is prepared by making small incisions or tiny punctures using fine needles or blades. These incisions accommodate the transplanted follicular units.

The extracted follicular units are then meticulously placed into the recipient sites, taking into account the natural direction, angle, and density of hair growth. This ensures that the transplanted hair blends with the existing hair easily, giving a natural-looking result.

At Layers Clinics, we ensure that the FUE treatment is administered by only qualified doctors and with utmost precision.

Benefits of FUE at Layers Clinics

FUE procedure offers numerous benefits such as:

  • Minimal scarring: The small, circular scars from FUE are less visible and allow for greater flexibility in hairstyle choices, including shorter haircuts.
  • Faster recovery: The healing time is generally shorter compared to FUT, allowing patients to resume their regular activities sooner.
  • Lower risk of complications: FUE involves less tissue trauma, reducing the risk of complications such as infection or excessive bleeding.
  • Precision and customization: The individual extraction and transplantation of follicular units enable the surgeon to precisely design the hairline and achieve natural-looking results.
  • Option for body hair transplantation: FUE can also be used to extract hair follicles from other parts of the body, such as the chest or beard, to transplant them onto the scalp if necessary.
  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), also known as the strip method, is a surgical technique used in hair transplantation to restore hair in individuals experiencing hair loss. It involves the extraction of a strip of scalp tissue from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the head, and the subsequent transplantation of individual hair follicular units into the recipient area.

In this treatment, the surgeon then carefully selects a donor area with healthy hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding. This area is chosen because it typically maintains its hair density even in individuals experiencing hair loss. Next, the surgeon surgically removes a strip of scalp tissue from the donor area. The incision is carefully closed using sutures or staples, leaving a linear scar that is typically concealed by surrounding hair when it grows out.

Next, our surgeons will meticulously place the individual follicular units into these incisions, taking into account the natural direction, angle, and density of hair growth. Layers Clinics ensures your FUT treatment is only performed by top doctors with decades of experience.

Benefits of FUT at Layers Clinics

Some of the benefits of our FUT treatment are:

  • Higher graft yield: FUT allows for the extraction of a larger number of grafts in a single session, providing more hair for transplantation.
  • Efficiency: The strip method is often faster compared to other techniques, allowing for larger sessions and potentially reducing the total number of procedures required.
  • Lower cost: FUT is generally more cost-effective compared to other hair transplantation methods.
  • Suitable for certain hair types: FUT can be particularly suitable for individuals with coarse or curly hair, as it can better preserve the natural curl and texture of the transplanted hair.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), also known as Direct Hair Transplantation, is an advanced hair transplantation technique that allows for the direct implantation of individual hair follicles into the recipient area without prior creation of recipient sites. It is a precise and minimally invasive procedure that offers natural-looking results with minimal downtime.

The DHI procedure begins with the administration of local anaesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort during the surgery. Unlike other techniques, DHI does not require the shaving of the donor or recipient areas, allowing for a discreet and inconspicuous procedure.

For the DHI procedure, individual follicular units are sequentially implanted, ensuring a high degree of customization and mimicking the natural hair growth pattern. The lack of prior recipient site creation distinguishes DHI from other techniques, as it allows for a more efficient and streamlined process.

For the DHI procedure, as the hair follicles are immediately placed into the recipient area, they spend less time outside the body, increasing their chances of survival and improving the overall success rate of the procedure.

Benefits of DHI at Layers Clinics

  • Natural results: The precise control over the implantation process enables the surgeon to recreate the natural hairline, angle, and density, resulting in natural-looking hair growth.
  • Minimally invasive: The use of the Choi implanter pen minimises tissue trauma, leading to faster healing and reduced postoperative discomfort.
  • Customization: DHI allows for precise control over the placement of each hair follicle, facilitating a customised approach based on the patient’s specific needs and aesthetic goals.
  • High graft survival rate: The immediate placement of hair follicles into the recipient area enhances their viability and ensures a high graft survival rate.


Now you know the different kinds of hair transplantation treatments available, are you ready to regain your youthful look? Choose Layers Clinics because we use only advanced technology and follow stringent guidelines and protocols for better service efficiency. Get in touch with one of your nearby Layers Clinics, and we ensure that you reclaim your hairline and your confidence.

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